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World Mental Health Day

There's no better feeling than going out to help the ocean after it's helped my well-being so much.  This summer has been all about keeping Swanage Bay clean, making sure than when me and my guests see litter underwater, that we pick it up.
From wet wipes to plastic, eco crabbing nets that have become stuck on the underwater reef environment, and even the Daily Mail Wine Section (which was being read by a Shrimp Family when I found it) it's been quite eye-opening to see how it's accepted as the "norm" by passers-by.
I even managed to rescue a cuttlefish out of an illegally placed fishing pot by Swanage Pier and a 9 crabs, plus a hidden fishing line.
Wet wipes are particularly dangerous for our oceans as the vast majority contain plastics (polypropylene) which are not compostable at all.  Most are not biodegradable and could take 100 years or more to break down, clogging sewers, damaging marine life and littering our beaches.
Today I'm making a pledge to make sure that even throughout the winter, I'll be out every day I'm home to make sure that our local ocean is kept clean.  It really helps me feel better to know that I'm helping the ocean in some way after it saved my life.
Are you making a pledge too?  I'd love to hear about it.

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