News — scan your slides dorset
Photo Scanning from Slides - Creating Prints & Gifts from Slide & Film
photo gifts from slides dorset photo gifts from slides purbeck print photos from slides scan your slides dorset scan your slides purbeck slide and film developing purbeck slide and film printing dorchester slide and film printing swanage slide and film printing wareham slide print and processing slide printing dorset slide processing
It's been another fabulous week at the studio helping guests to bring their memories back to life from slides and print film from as far back as the Sixties! I was so proud scanning 92 slides last Friday and carefully going through each one to adjust colours, making sure that any marks were removed and printing them off for one guest and burning others onto a CD for them to share with their families. The scanner used (my faithful Nikon) has an amazing "Digital Ice System" which automatically removes fine lines & dust which are a common occurrence in...